We have all moved, and that includes the Associates at Howard Hanna/Roy Wheeler Realty Co.
We understand that before even looking at that first house you will probably have visions of boxes here, there and everywhere. And if you are relocating from outside the area the questions will seem to be endless… from schools to dry cleaners and everything in between. Our Associates can’t help you with the boxes, but they can take care of almost everything else. Tell us your needs, wants and absolute requirements and we will send you a detailed report outlining those properties that appear to be a match. Our services just begin there. We will help you find that perfect home, the lender that best suits your needs and provide you with information on schools, health, neighborhoods, community and finally an introduction to the local dry cleaner. Should you decide to build we will refer you to reputable architects and/or contractors. Your time is valuable and the investment you make in the purchase of a home is considerable. We take your time and your investment seriously and appreciate the responsibilities we must assume in order to insure that your move is a smooth and successful transition. Sorry about the boxes.